
The IB Inquirer Busy Bees made an inquiry into how people use their senses to understand of scientific principles. Committed to discover the Central Idea of discovering interrelationships between living things and their environments we investigated our school area and looked for our own object of interest and presented them 
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Reggio Emilia has always had a strong message for future generations: the future is in the hands and voices of our children.  At the end of World War II amidst the loss and confusion in a small Italian town called Reggio Emilia, Loris Malgaluzzi saw the need to create a 
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STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. “What STEM does is give a label to what you are already doing… helping children to explore, observe, ask questions, predict, integrate their learning…  Its what we’ve always done in early childhood education.” __ Dr. Sherri Killins “Science is more than a school subject, 
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Today we will speak about the Pygmalion effect or Rosenthal effect. What’s happening when your child learns to walk? He tries and falls down. At that moment, do you think that he will never arrive and drop out? Of course not! You encourage your child to try again and again because you’re 
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Kinder Academy always encourages children spend more time in play not only at school but also at home with parents, as a result show that if parents spends more quality time to play with their children, there are 9 amazing benefits that can be achieved in order to help children 
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Research reveals the link between environmental factors and rising cases of myopia. Children should be encouraged to spend time outdoors to reduce their risk of becoming shortsighted, experts have said. Shortsightedness is rising around the world, with the condition said to have reached epidemic proportions in East Asia: estimates suggest about 
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Too often and in true kiasu parent style, we tell our kids what to do in order to make our lives a little easier. However, by doing this, we may unknowingly be depriving them of key decision-making skills they need when they become adults. How can we allow our children to learn age-appropriate decision-making, 
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Children are naturally curious. From the minute they gain control of their limbs, they work to put themselves out into the world to see how it all works. They explore, observe and imitate, trying to figure out how things operate and how to control themselves and their environments. This unrestricted 
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Nowadays, millions of children are growing up in a bilingual environment, as people could travel around the world easily and virtual learning is rapidly developing globally. For many of us, the desire to speak a foreign language is a lifelong dream. For children whose parents have relocated to a country 
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From the moment of a child’s birth, they are full of the desire to explore, especially in the first 6 years of their life. Curiosity is like a magnet that allows children to absorb positive energy, as well as attract natural knowledge and languages. Due to this, adults are surprised 
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